Occasionally I just need to pass along a very good article, so those who don't take the paper, or don't get the chance to read it, can appreciate the wisdom or humor presented. I may comment and I may just hit the main points, but there are some very articulate and thoughtful writers out there. This particular article is written by Thomas Sowell and talks about "social justice."

The idea of social justice is a favorite of the liberals. After all, it sounds right--we all believe in justice. Right?

Some would argue that it is not the fault of those that were born into families that didn't value education or hard work, or to dysfunctional parents who didn't prevent self-destructive choices. But now it's not a "social" problem any more, unless one believes that it is society's fault that different families and communities have differing habits and values.
I have had numerous experiences and encounters, made multiple small decisions that have determined the course of my life. I don't blame, nor give credit to, "society" for any of them. For better or worse, they were my own.

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