I want to carry on today about the liberal Democrats and their pursuit of a "progressive" society. The election results seemed to show that most Americans were not pleased with the direction President Obama (and Pelosi, Reid, etc.) was taking us. Funny, but the liberal leaders could not accept that premise.
George Will made some extremely interesting observations:

Speaking specifically about President Obama, Mr. Will continues:

Progressives believe that people must be pulled toward correct knowledge by a government run by the enlightened. Moving "up" from the rigid constraints of the Constitution is their very definition of progress. George Mason University economist Don Boudreaux stated that such liberal ideas "are almost exclusively about how other people should live their lives."
George Will continues:
What happened at the November election was an alarmed and rational American majority disagreed.
Thanks for posting! George Will is one of my favorites. He is so wise and sound. I'm grateful for his voice of reason.