Picture taken out truck window, driving up the canyon road.

Fall of 2009.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mysteries of Liberal Thought

I am often in awe of people who know just the right words to effectively state their beliefs. It is so frustrating to try to explain something and not have the words you want on your tongue. I suppose that is the benefit of writing; one can spend a little time trying to get the explanations clear and understandable.

When I try to comprehend the liberal mind set, I am befuddled by their reasoning. Why do they have such little respect for individual responsibility? Why do they want people depending on government for so much? Why do they think they are entitled to take money from those of us who worked for it and give it to those who didn't (taking a percentage for government along the way)?

Fortunately, there are very articulate writers who say things so well. Writers who understand the strange thought processes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodds, Rangel (who didn't even know who paid for his trips to the Caribbean--he claims).

Thomas Sowell explains:
A couple of good examples he explores:
Liberal intelligensia would also like us to believe that wealthy people somehow got that way accidentally, while also preventing others from doing the same. That is ridiculous.
Taxes are always good, according to the far left, and there is never enough (not that they are dedicated about paying their own). But what companies pay employees, by mutual agreement, should be of no concern to the government. As soon as government sets rules for how much money we are allowed to earn, we are doomed. Our so-called public servants become our masters.

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About Me

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Taught for 28 years. Although I taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, 6th was my favorite and I spent 18 years working with 11 and 12-year-olds. For almost 8 years before that, I worked as an office manager for a college Dean and Professor who was one of the most intelligent men I've ever met. Good, thoughtful people are everywhere and sometimes ideas and information need to be shared.