The arrogance of the Washington leadership is astonishing. That they would push forward with an enormous bill--that most congressmen have not had a chance to read--in spite of the concerns of the American people, shows an utter contempt for constituents.
Thomas Sowell, from the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, is also amazed.
"In short, this is not about improving the health of the American people. It is about passing something--anything--to keep the Obama administration from ending up with egg on its face by being unable to pass a bill, after so much hype and hoopla."
As he continues: "The only rational explanation for such haste to pass a bill that will be slow to go into effect is to prevent the public from knowing what is in this massive legislation..."
This is not about health. It is about ego. The appointment of so "czars" to get around the system for approving cabinet members is another indication that this president, and his cronies, totally disregard the basic rules and values of this society--all to impose the will of a few arrogant elitists.

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