The latest example is his pronouncement about illegal immigration. Charles Krauthammer sums it up:

In 2010, President Obama asked Congress to pass the DREAM act. Congress refused. Hispanic groups suggested that he ignore Congress and use executive order. His response?
But now that is exactly what he has done and the reason is obvious. His numbers are slipping and he needs a big Hispanic vote. Who will call him on it? The press? Congressional Democrats? Hardly. The immigration laws no longer apply to 800,000 people.
Mr. Krauthammer continues:
It is shameful that Congressional Democrats should be applauding such a brazen end-run. Of course it’s smart politics. It divides Republicans, rallies the Hispanic vote and pre-empts Marco Rubio’s attempt to hammer out an acceptable legislative compromise. Very clever. But, by Obama’s own admission, it is naked lawlessness.
As Obama himself argued in rejecting the executive action he has now undertaken, “America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the president, am obligated to enforce the law. I don’t have a choice about that.”
Except, apparently, when violating that solemn obligation serves his reelection needs.
Me again. So, no wrong or right--just expedience and reelection maneuvering.