Picture taken out truck window, driving up the canyon road.

Fall of 2009.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Disregard reality

The main stream media's reporting about the on-going budget "talks" in Washington is canted toward the left, so it is important to find articles that lean the other direction. Thomas Sowell makes some valuable points:
So much of the political candidates are about the quick and easy slogans, whether or not the candidate even means or believes them. President Obama himself was a master in 2008. Let's try and find some truth.
Wait, the government got less tax money when the top income tax bracket was 73 percent? Why confuse the voters with truth? Talking points are used in discussions of government-controlled health care, gun control, rent control, welfare, and many other programs while reality is ignored.


About Me

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Taught for 28 years. Although I taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, 6th was my favorite and I spent 18 years working with 11 and 12-year-olds. For almost 8 years before that, I worked as an office manager for a college Dean and Professor who was one of the most intelligent men I've ever met. Good, thoughtful people are everywhere and sometimes ideas and information need to be shared.