Thomas Sowell discussed the "no tax cuts for the rich" idea back in early December.

Another problem is the definition of "the rich." The term is used by the left as a way to encourage envy by the voters who wish they were. Who is "rich?" According to President Obama, any couple earning more than $250,000 a year. The problem is that includes most of the small business owners, who are the economic backbone of our country.
Walter Williams explains the problem with this notion:

Compounding this fuzzy thinking is the fact that nearly 50% of Americans pay NO income taxes. Who is left? Regular, hard-working people who have spent the time, energy, and thought to building their financial houses.
I heard a radical idea once and I'm sorry I don't remember where. What if everyone got one vote, then people who pay income taxes got an additional vote for each certain amount they paid in? Seems very fair to me.