Picture taken out truck window, driving up the canyon road.

Fall of 2009.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Go Arizona!

Are you as tired of the Arizona bashing as I am? The state is having some real problems caused by people willfully breaking the laws, and being vilified for trying to find a solution.

In an article written by George Will of the Washington Post Writer's Group:

I admit to having been pulled over by police. Was I required to show my identification? Yes, I was. Did I think it was fascist or--gulp--racist? No.

I am very, very tired of the liberal left trying to find hate, intolerance, hostility, and--sigh--racism everywhere. Their entire agenda seems to be to find fault with this country and inflame discontent. They seem happy only if they can find problems under every rock.

Arizona's troubles with illegal immigration is seen as unimportant in the hallowed halls of DC. After all, Washington doesn't have scores of people sneaking across their borders in the dead of night, leaving trails of trash and destruction. If they did, you can bet something would be done.
Part of the desert between Mexico and Tucson, Arizona. Nice huh?


About Me

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Taught for 28 years. Although I taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, 6th was my favorite and I spent 18 years working with 11 and 12-year-olds. For almost 8 years before that, I worked as an office manager for a college Dean and Professor who was one of the most intelligent men I've ever met. Good, thoughtful people are everywhere and sometimes ideas and information need to be shared.