With so many in this country finding out that the "change" they thought they wanted isn't turning out to be wonderful, there are some very creative folks who have synthesized their frustrations into possible bumper stickers. This is the second bunch I've seen, but a few of these really express my concerns.
My favorite. I would definitely display this one.
Picture taken out truck window, driving up the canyon road.
Fall of 2009.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Power Grab like no other
The "health care" legislation shoved through the House by the Democratic leaders is an enormous power grab like nothing else in history. Ms. Pelosi is not interested in seeing that the uninsured get health care. She cares about the accumulation of power and control. The Wall Street Journal has published two recent editorials about the disaster of this bill. The title of one is, "The Worst Bill Ever." To quote a couple of paragraphs:
In a rational political world, this 1,990-page runaway train would have been derailed months ago. With spending and debt already at record peacetime levels, the bill creates a new and probably unrepealable middle-class entitlement that is designed to expand over time. Taxes will need to rise precipitously, even as ObamaCare so dramatically expands government control of health care that eventually all medicine will be rationed via politics.
Yet at this point, Democrats have dumped any pretense of genuine bipartisan "reform" and moved into the realm of pure power politics as they race against the unpopularity of their own agenda. The goal is to ram through whatever income-redistribution scheme they can claim to be "universal coverage." The result will be destructive on every level—for the health-care system, for the country's fiscal condition, and ultimately for American freedom and prosperity.
One of the House's bill claims to be able to trim hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and fraud from Medicare's budget to help pay for the new plan. But if Medicare is truly this mismanaged, then government-dominated health care is not a model to follow.
An article written by Deroy Murdock, a media fellow with the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University, highlights some interesting comparisons. He points out that a year ago, candidate Barack Obama warned that Republican rule meant cuts in Medicare, lower-quality care, and paying more for drugs. "But wait....These massive Medicare cuts bear no Republican fingerprints. They are--gasp--handcrafted by Democrats."
He goes on to say, "Had the GOP mulled even a fraction of these cuts, Republican National Headquarters would be a smoking ruin. GOP members of Congress would be clad in Kevlar." He includes quotes about dire consequences for Medicare and Medicade (if Republicans had their way) from the late Ted Kennedy, Sen. Chris Dodd, and then Rep. Sherrod Brown (D. Ohio).
He ends with the note that Democrats are in charge now and "...they practically can taste the government medicine they covet." The mainstream media would have lambasted the Republicans as they did in 1995 when a GOP Congress considered a 6% Medicare growth, rather than the 10% that was projected. Now, however, they are an active part of the power grab.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Can't stand other opinions?
Is it just me, or do the very liberal believe that no one has the right to a differing opinion? Am I looking at it from a skewed position in thinking that while conservative people have fundamental beliefs, they accept the fact that not everyone agrees, but very liberal people have no such thinking?
I am beginning to think that being a lefty means believing that anyone who doesn't sing along with your exact tune, is just stupid. Liberal thinkers seem convinced that they have all the correct answers (they are the only ones who even know the questions), so all others are just irrelevant nincompoops.
Read some of the posters on newspapers' online message boards. See which people try to get their point across with facts and which are content to demean and insult. Listen to people when they speak. Which use historical data to support ideas, and which use the "we know what's best for you because you don't understand"?
Oh, I understand.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I'm probably crazy, but...
I realize that I don't handle one blog exceptionally well. I'm infrequent and a bit scattered, so what is going one with starting another one?
It occurred to me that sometimes I want to expound on important issues of the day, yet I don't want to scare away some of the blogging friends I've made over the past year and a half. Most of them don't get too political and aren't looking for a debate. I guess they are more comfortable with light-hearted, quirky, personal daily life posts. That's okay. I like those too.
So, this is where I'm planning to get political, or angry, or stand on my soap box. I'll let people know who are like-minded, and if anyone else bumbles on to it, it's here. I did notice that when I got a bit political on the other blog, a person from the opposite corner noticed and accused me of hating the government. If one were to go back and read the post and the comment, it seems to me that she reacted to what she thought I was thinking, not to what I said.
Anyway, I've got a few ideas saved up. Now all I need is the time and ambition to get them down. Soon. Stay tuned if you want.
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About Me
- Jo, a retired teacher
- Taught for 28 years. Although I taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, 6th was my favorite and I spent 18 years working with 11 and 12-year-olds. For almost 8 years before that, I worked as an office manager for a college Dean and Professor who was one of the most intelligent men I've ever met. Good, thoughtful people are everywhere and sometimes ideas and information need to be shared.